Friday, February 16, 2007

Rotation II, Mylan: Thank God for Wikipedia.

My January rotation was at Mylan Pharmaceuticals. Good for me because it's right down the street from my ghetto trailer park. Nothing like waking up at 7:55AM and being on time at 8:00AM. You learn to shower the night before.

The rotation itself involved little to no work. The first two days they made me do actual work. The other 18 days involved them dumping me off in a room and not talking to me for days at a time. I had a "project". Two of them. One was a presentation on BPH, the second a new drug primer for Januvia. Januvia kinds of creeps me out. The enzyme it inhibits, DDP-4, isn't just a metabolizer of incretins, it also activates T-Cells, inactivates polypeptide Y...among other things. Anyway, back on track, I had the BPH one done in about 2 days, the other I procrastinated on and didn't get started on until my next-to-next-to last day. So I had about 13 days where I did literally nothing, they had no work for me, I already did everything they and the school wanted me to do.

The cool thing was that I got my own cubicle complete with phone (ext. # 6339) and PC with internet access. The bitch of it is that they had this proxy blocker called "Websense" that blocked every remotely amusing site on the internet. There was a single bastion of hope; Wikipedia. Now I've never used it as a tool to combat boredom prior to this rotation, but Wikipedia is a potential source of months upon months of wasted time. Hell, I brushed up on diabetes stuff prior to my February rotation. I also learned about 15 magic tricks and how soda is made, among other things.

I once went about 3 days without anyone there actually talking to me. I came in on Monday and someone came in to make sure I was still alive about Wednesday at 3:30PM. That pretty much describes the rotation in a nutshell. A plus was that they let me take occasional field trips over to the R&D department to play with crap and over to the Marketing/Sales dept. to learn how to be a conniving bastard. It was fun and potentially useful, respectively.

Another source of fun was the fentanyl patch complaint line. You can't even imagine the stupidity of some people. One guy's druggie brother stole his fentanyl patch and used it as a coffee filter. Mmmmm, Duragesic-caramel latte. The guy calls and says, "My brother brewed some coffee with my patch, he's barely breathing, and he's foaming of the mouth....should I be concerned?" Lots of people claiming that the box only had 4 patches instead of 5. People thinking it's the Pepsi challenge and demanding a new brand Duragesic patch for the Mylan patch they "didn't like as much." A lot of people think putting it in a blender with mudslide mix is a good idea, too. But, yeah, that sort of stuff. Good fun for all.

Now I'm doing this diabetes drug management thing in Parkersburg. I'll muse about it next month.


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