Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Got past the 'ol the professor "resigned"...things about my left testicle you don't want to know...

I took the lame ass remediation test. Passed it with relative ease. The thing that kills me is that it was the EXACT same test as last year. The crazy woman who made me wait 6 months to retake the test because she didn't want to be bothered to write a new test for me to take gave me the same test she gave me last year. She made such a big deal out of not letting me take the same remediation test a dozen other people took when they didn't pass the test first time around due to "security" issues, yet gives me the same test as last year. I remembered some of the answers from last year. It further proves that this entire process was done under the facade of academia. Between this, the shit talking the woman was doing about me behind my back to another student, and the long list of crap excuses she gave me for not allowing me to remediate the test before October, it's pretty much a lock that she did this just in spite.

But there is a silver lining. As mentioned above and in a previous post, the woman talked shit about me to another student while that student was on a rotation with another teacher. I casually mentioned this to the dean of student services when I went in for my monthly bitch fest about how ridiculous the entire situation was. Now get this. After I mentioned it, and this MAY ne coincidence, I don't know, but she had all of her rotations canceled due to "complaints from students." Because of this, and her firmly established superiority complex, she decided to quit. Yes, quit. The crazy woman isn't at the school anymore. Did I get rid of her? Did I contribute? Either would tickle me pink. On the other hand, it pisses me off that the woman put me through that power trip of hers just to quit 2 days after I take her damned remediation test. WTF?

Another odd thing happened to me yesterday. I'm not sure if you want to know this, in fact, I'm sure you don't, so I suggest you stop reading right now. Anyway, I went to work at 4PM and everything was going well. Then out of nowhere, my left testicle hurt like a bitch. It was nuts. (No pun intended.) I had to waddle everywhere because it hurt when my testicle rubbed against my legs. I have a little bit of a cough and whenever I coughed it felt like Jackie Chan just did a roundhouse to my left nut. My coworkers thought I was dying. They sent me home. Every pothole felt like a swift kick to the nuts. It was bizarre. Then I got home and it went away after about 30 minutes. I better not have testicular cancer or anything. That would probably piss me off. I'm not down with the cisplatin.

I'll probably start updating more often. I've been in an antipharmacy funk for some time now. Starting rotations should give me a whole new list of things to whine about and poke fun at.


Blogger mred1 said...

Why do most pharmacists not see what is happening to their profession? The schools are producing graduates at a terriffic rate, and the job market is starting to saturate in the larger cities. By 2011 the market will be flooded, even in most of middle America where there is a shortage today. The schools of pharmacy are the profession's worst enemy. They are being paid by chains and drug compnies to keep the profession cheap and available, and make sure pharmacists are always in a subordinate role.Getting information about the future of the field from the schools is like trying to get unbiased information from a political party about their candidates. The new roles for the pharmacist are yet to be developed. Pharmacy is basically an information science that is easily delegated to others, especially with new advanced technologies. Wake up and smell the cofee!!

4:12 PM  

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