Friday, April 21, 2006

I'm officially a clinican...I guess.

Tonight was the Bowl of Hygeia. I had to eat a dinner (got some damn good chicken...) and was then forced to sit through numerous speaches just to walk across a stage to get a lapel pin. I remember a poem in there that was tangential to Dr. Suess, but the rest of the speech time was spent daydreaming about how cool it would be to be the guy AAA pays to go around the country rating hotels and restaurants. Free food, free shelter, get to visit EVERYWHERE, AND they give you extra special attention. That would be the sweetest job ever outside of porn star.

Anyway, I wasn't allowed to do anything clinically before I got this pin, but now that I do have said pin, I apparently magically transformed into a person that has permission to treat people in the time it took me to walk across the stage. I thought I felt something funny. From what I've gathered, the pin is like the rings the kids had in Captain Planet. I think I got the pharmacy equivalent of the Earth ring because I keep pointing it at crap and nothing cool happens. Why can't I be the guy that gets the pharmacy equivalent of the fire ring? That would be so useful in the real world. I can see it now.......

I rule!

Oh well. I think I'm allowed to officially call myself "PharmD Candidate" now. Woohoo.


Blogger DrugMonkey, Master of Pharmacy said...

Your site is now drugnazi approved. Which means I'm linking to you whether you like it or not. Feel free to design a logo of some sort to put on your site to let the world know of my approval, then send me a royalty check. Your thanks have been accepted in advance.

2:34 PM  

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